What Is Baby Talk?

We adults tend to adapt language when speaking with young children. This phenomenon is called baby talk. Next, we explain more about the subject. 
What is baby talk?

Surely you have ever noticed how adults talk to babies or young children. When we do, we change our intonation and expressiveness. This phenomenon is known as baby talk.

Keep in mind that language is a skill that children gradually develop over the years. In this sense, the way in which parents express themselves with their children is a very relevant factor in the acquisition and learning of speech.

Features of the talk baby

The talk baby is the linguistic adaptation used by adults, and even children older than 6 years when communicating with young children. Therefore, it can be said that it is speech directed at babies. This way of expressing itself is characterized by modulating three basic aspects of oral language:

  • Duration.
  • Intensity.
  • Frequency.
    What is baby talk?

    Thus, according to the speech therapist Marc Monfort, the essential characteristics of the talk baby , are as follows:

    • Slow pace.
    • High-pitched voice.
    • Well defined pronunciation.
    • Expressive intonation.
    • Short and simple sentences.
    • Redundancy, frequently repeating part or all of the statements.
    • Limited number of words, choosing, in general, the simplest formula and using diminutives.
    • Continuous references to the context.
    • Non-verbal language, with gestures and mimics that accompany oral language.

    What are the functions of baby talk ?

    The use of baby talk serves to adapt to the peculiarities and evolutionary rhythm of the little ones. So that they are provided with abundant, adequate and varied language models.

    These adaptations are carried out, naturally, with the intention of improving and controlling the effectiveness of the child’s communicative understanding. Therefore, they represent a basic aid for the imitation and learning of oral language.

    As mentioned before, it is usual to speak with children slowly and easily, taking care of pronunciation and vocabulary. This allows the child to pay more attention and facilitates the initiation and maintenance of long and interesting conversations.

    Other guidelines for talking with children

    Parents should take care of the way they communicate with children. This is very beneficial and enriching for them, especially at an early age. But, in addition to the use of baby talk , there are many other strategies that must be applied to talk with children in a satisfactory way.

    What is baby talk?

    Some of these guidelines to stimulate the language of babies are:

    • Bend down and get level with the child, making eye contact.
    • Have moments of play, in which oral language and listening are stimulated.
    • Learn and recite children’s songs.
    • Involve the child in daily tasks, such as going to the supermarket.
    • Actively listen, repeating and formulating in other words what the child has tried to say.
    • Employ positive reinforcement.

    In conclusion

    In short, oral language is a natural ability that is acquired thanks to a series of communicative exchanges with the environment, from the moment of birth. Children learn to speak by listening to their relatives and, especially, to their parents. This is why the use of baby talk and other positive communication guidelines with young children is so important .

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