What Is Diastasis Rectus Abdominis?

If your abdomen has suffered an excessive stretch, either due to obesity or pregnancy, the rectus abdominis or better known as six-pack may have been injured. Thus, it is very timely to know what is the diastasis of the rectus abdominis. 
What is diastasis recti abdominis?

If you have a bulge in your abdominal area, it may be diastasis recti abdominis. It is important that you give it due attention, because it is not only an aesthetic problem.

It is an anatomical condition produced by the weakening of the linea alba, where both sides of the rectus abdominis have a separation in the center.

The rectus abdominis are a pair of long, flat muscles located vertically on either side of the abdomen. Being the outermost muscle, they exercise the function of keeping the body upright and facilitating the flexion of the trunk, in addition to supporting the internal organs.

For its part, the linea alba, which is made up of connective tissue, allows movements to be carried out, especially during pregnancy, in which the baby grows 35 cm. So in some cases, the rectus abdominis becomes completely separated, causing abdominal diastasis.

Causes of diastasis rectus abdominis

  1. Congenital factors.
  2. Weakness of structures due to aging or excess weight, which gives rise to the third reason.
  3. The increase in weight and volume produced by pregnancy.
The diastasis of the rectus abdominis.

In addition, among the causes is the excess of the hormone relaxin, which inhibits the generation of collagen. This last reason is the most frequent, since according to statistics, 35% of pregnant women suffer from an abdominal diastasis.

How do you know if you have diastasis recti abdominis?

You can use various instruments to measure, such as an ultrasound or a caliper, which is a body fat meter. An even simpler way is to directly palpate the area.

You can do this by lying on your back, placing your fingers on the midline of the body, specifically, above and below the navel. Then, raise your head as if you were doing sit-ups, a hole should be made under the fingers pushing the visceral content.

Consequences of the diastasis of the rectus abdominis

Beyond being a cosmetic problem, the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles causes the contents of the abdominal cavity to bulge forward, giving the false impression of pregnancy.

When the proper force is not exerted on the abdomen, the lumbar area, the back, the pelvic area are affected and this causes pain and injuries. This separation can lead to digestive problems, prolapse, loss of urine and the appearance of stomach hernias.

Treatment for diastasis rectus abdominis

The first thing you should do if you think you may have abdominal diastasis is see your doctor for an evaluation. Once you have your diagnosis, you should begin to follow the instructions given by the doctor and correct the not so healthy habits of your lifestyle.

It requires surgery when the fibers of the linea alba have been broken and they must be closed with the intervention of a specialist. Otherwise, you may suffer from an abdominal hernia.

Physiotherapy is the treatment that is responsible for rehabilitation when the fibers are not broken. Some of the exercises that can be performed are hypopressive abdominals where abdominal pressure is generated.

On the other hand, the isometric abs, the plank, breathing and the tupler method that are rhythmic and transverse contractions.

The diastasis of the rectus abdominis.


If a period of 3 to 6 months has already passed and the muscles have not rejoined in a natural way, keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Go to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis and indicate the treatment.
  • Perform therapies with a physical therapist who can apply techniques such as electrotherapy.
  • Do not try to regain your figure by doing sit-ups, in many cases you will only worsen the condition.
  • While you are in this recovery process, do not lift too much weight, avoid straining.
  • Reinforce the treatment with a diet rich in protein and proper hydration.

It is never too late to recover your abdomen. Remember that the impossible is only in our mind and, in our hands is the solution of many things.

Exercises to strengthen the abdomen

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