What Should Parents Know About Bullying?

Harassment or bullying should be resolved at school without parental intervention. In practice, it is not always a simple question to solve, and different factors in the environment have a great influence.
What should parents know about bullying?

Regardless of whether your child is the instigator or instigated, in a situation of bullying at school, your intervention as a mother or father will always be necessary.

Bullying is a situation of inequality, where there is an aggressor and a victim. Therefore, this is a relationship of dominance and submission. Includes verbal or physical abuse by one or more classmates.

Unfortunately , the problem is not easy to solve. It is necessary that all the parties involved understand that it is necessary to consider that the ways of interacting with the environment must be modified. Under no circumstances can relationships based on fear and terror be ignored.

Bullying can be a long-term consequence for children who misbehave in class.

General recommendations to prevent bullying at school

First, a climate of open, communication and trust should be fostered in the home. This will make it easier for the child to comment on the situation, in case they are facing difficulties with their fellow students.

In addition to the school’s actions, parents should participate in bullying prevention activities carried out in schools and in their community.

It is vital to alert children so that they do not follow “the law of silence.” They must understand that if they did, they would become accomplices to the situation and part of the problem; not so of the solution . They should always be encouraged to report any situation they deem unfair.

There are positive values ​​that must be constantly reinforced: respect, solidarity and responsibility are some of them. Likewise, all the playful activities of minors must be supervised, from the video games and movies that they enjoy the most, to games between classmates and friends, even with those with whom they most identify.

How should parents act when their child is the victim of bullying?

Given the slightest suspicion of bullying, communication channels between parents and children should be optimized . Children must feel that they have unconditional support from their parents, without prejudice to their own abilities to interact with the environment.

Nor is it about allowing minors to develop dependence on their parents to solve any inconvenience. This will always be a bad solution. In these cases, there are a few steps to follow:

  • Let the young person vent their pain, anger or fear. Make sure there is no interruption while you are speaking.
  • Establish direct contact both with the school’s management team and with the child’s or adolescent’s teachers. Promptly alert about what is happening so that it is investigated with the aim of intervening and solving the problem as soon as possible.
  • Under no circumstances encourage revenge or be aggressive and violent towards everyone when it comes to defending themselves.
  • Depending on the degree of bullying, as well as the levels of anxiety and fear that this may generate in those affected, seek the help of a professional.
  • You must remain calm, always trying to have a positive attitude towards the event. At the same time, it is necessary to act decisively and firmly in the face of bullying.

How should parents act when their child is the bully?

It is often very difficult for parents to cope with their own child engaging in negative and even violent behaviors. Hence, in these cases it is recommended to work in coordination with the educational institution, in order to apply the pertinent corrections.

In order to reverse the situation, it will be necessary to identify the triggers that give rise to these behaviors. Talk to the teachers, listening patiently to all the observations they have for the person involved. Also, you should ask, clearly and explicitly, all possible help to correct hostile attitudes.

Again, we remember the importance of establishing direct communication channels, free from interference or distortions. Avoid reproaches, but it is important that the responsibility of the person involved is recognized. Remember that every action, good or bad, will always bring a consequence.

It must be made clear that this type of behavior will not be tolerated within the family. Finally, it is necessary to promote activities that improve interpersonal relationships between fellow students.

These educational activities and conferences can take place both in educational centers and outside the school environment. The options are many and very positive.

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