What To Do When Faced With A Tick Bite?

Visits to the field or the forest are always very pleasant and relaxing, but we have to be careful and be aware of a possible tick bite. In this article we tell you what the symptoms are and what you should do when dealing with this type of bite.
What to do when faced with a tick bite?

Generally, a tick bite is evidenced by slight redness and swelling in the area. We must be attentive to the evolution of these signs, since this insect can cause diseases, such as human ehrlichiosis.

Not every tick bite is a problem in the first place. According to specialists, it is the bite of the female insect that can transmit diseases; as it contains  a toxin contained in their saliva that causes the so-called “tick paralysis” after remaining attached to the skin for several days. 

Symptoms of a tick bite

The symptoms of a tick bite are as follows to list. It should be noted that not in all cases they occur together or with the same intensity, since not all bodies are the same.

  • Fever.
  • Headache
  • Total paralysis.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Spots on the body.
  • Redness and inflammation of the area.
  • Difficulty coordinating movements (and therefore slow).

What to do if a tick bites you?

First of all, you should check the area where you feel discomfort. Once you have located the exact point of the bite, the next thing you should do is see if the insect is still in the point or not. If it is still there, you must proceed to its extraction.

Forceps extraction

It is recommended to use a pair of pointed tweezers to remove the insect. The area where the tick should be attached is the mouth and as close as possible to the person’s skin. It is important not to crush the body of the mite.

The action of removing it must be done very slowly and continuously and perpendicular to the skin. It should never be done roughly, or twist, much less crush the tick. Do not use any product such as nail polish, petroleum jelly or some other substance for better extraction. You can make the process worse.

Tick ​​spray.

Sometimes some rest of the body of the tick can remain on the skin. If it is about the oral area that we talked about previously, it is advisable to tell the doctor when you go to his office so that he can try to extract the remains with a small incision in the area. If it is another area of ​​the mite, it is possible that the person’s own body expels it over the days.

Save the tick

If you have the ability to save the tick, do so. Store it in an airtight bag and put it in the freezer until your visit to the doctor. This will help the doctor identify the type of tick and can make a more complete diagnosis of the situation.


Once you are done with the extraction process you must:

  • Avoid scratching yourself, as this will only injure the skin.
  • Put on cold compresses to relieve itching and inflammation.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water. If you have rubbing alcohol, use that too.
  • Keep the area clean; This involves washing the area with mild soap and water. Similarly, you can use the rubbing alcohol.

How to prevent a tick bite?

Ticks are found in outdoor spaces, on the ground, in bushes, and in bushes. Therefore, when you visit these areas or go on an excursion, you must wear suitable clothing (shirt and long pants). Of course, you should also check your skin from time to time and, above all, at the end of the walk to check that you have no insects attached.

It is also advisable that you put the end of the pants inside the socks because, even if you wear long pants, if they are somewhat wide, the tick can climb up to your skin easily. In this way you will prevent it from penetrating your body by closing the passage with your socks.

Itching from a tick bite.

Another tip is to use insect repellent. This repellent should be sprayed both on yourself and on the clothes you are going to use to prevent more completely. You should repeat this action every one or two hours in order to be continuously protected.

In the case of having animals at home, especially dogs and cats, you should deworm them to avoid infestations, since one of the best known is the dog tick or canine tick.

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