When The Child Has A Favorite Relative

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand how children have a clear preference for a relative. However, it is important to accept this fact as something natural. We explain the best way to understand it.
When the child has a favorite relative

When we are mothers we know that our son is surrounded by beings who love him. However, there is always a figure who has a greater affinity with him.

Currently there are various theories that will help explain the process of human sympathy. In this phase, cerebral, hormonal and psychological factors influence that we may be far from understanding. But first of all, it is a social phenomenon.

Since we were children we always have a favorite family member . The nexus occurs because we feel affinity, projection or representation. For this reason, as moms, we must know how to act before this reality and get the best out of it.

This preference should not be limited to a father or a mother, but to the closeness and admiration that our little ones have for another member of the family.

Rejoice for this union

Nothing to worry about

There are mothers who, when identifying the favoritism of their children for a brother, an uncle or a grandfather, are affected. To be honest, we don’t always see this kindly. Do not be ashamed! It is the maternal protective instinct at work.

Nevertheless, the reality is that there is nothing wrong with the fact that your child feels admiration and sympathy exacerbated by another family member . In fact, it is very negative to manifest jealousy and distrust for a phenomenon that is totally natural.

Childhood is the stage where children define personality and values . In such a process, parents and their teachings are vital, but it is not the only thing that comes into play. Family, school, and society are also inevitable social shapers.

Little ones are attracted to different characteristics

In search of an own identity

The darlings of the house are like little sponges that absorb everything they see. This information is then used in the construction of its own identity. In this sense, a child’s personality is defined in part by socialization.

As usual, children admire a person because there is something attractive about their personality, empathy, responses, and physical appearance . Soon, these become the reflection of who they want to be when they grow up.

Notably this interaction is natural . Your favorite family member will not necessarily be the same as you, but the important thing is that they do not provide a negative role model. The only thing to avoid is anti-value.

Fostering this relationship is the best we can do for our spoiled

Having an image to follow is healthy

The bond between other relatives and your little one must be respected . It is not about prohibiting it, but about enhancing it. Intervening as a prohibitive figure in these cases can be harmful to the child’s psyche, the family and the mother-child relationship.

Remember that the preferred family member automatically becomes an image to follow, even when being idolized is a big brother. Favoritism is not bad, especially if you stay home.

In addition, having this figure loved by your little one has some benefits that you should consider.

In the future you will be able to take advantage of this affinity

Advantages of the preferred relative

The good thing about the role model being at home is that the relationships and interactions that are generated are controllable and positive. Believe it or not, this type of union creates in children a feeling of family belonging.

This affinity is also ideal for communication with your little one . In the future, if there is a conflict situation, it may become an interlocutor between the parties, being key to alleviating tension.

All of this will be beneficial when your little one is in more advanced stages of its growth. One of them is adolescence, which always requires support from other loved ones.  

The perfect strategy

If you see that your little one feels a magnetism that is difficult for a relative to explain, try to show that you accept their decisions. Your child will feel that you please him and he will also feel joy, because you give him confidence in the choice of his relationships.

You should not give your spoiled what he wants. Talk to this person and explain the strong bond that your child has with him or her . This will motivate you to approach in a constructive way.

As moms we have a tendency to want our children to be like us. The reality is that they are independent beings and we must also think about their future. For that reason, strengthening their family ties will be a positive aspect for them.

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