Why Can Breasts Hurt?

When development approaches in girls, in many cases discomfort can occur, one of the most common are pain in the hips and breasts.
Why can breasts hurt?

On a physical level, each woman goes through different challenging situations in the course of her life, mainly due to hormonal activity. Especially before and after ‘development’, the time when hormonal variations bring great changes in the body that can make the breasts sore.

Breast discomfort is very common in women and raises the following questions, why can breasts hurt? What are the reasons why women suffer from their breasts? Well, these pains can occur for multiple reasons ranging from menstruation to pregnancy.

Swelling and tenderness before or during the menstrual period is very common. In general they do not suppose anything serious and its cause can be simply by the hormonal change, or even by the incorrect use of the underwear.

Sometimes, women associate breast pain directly with breast cancer, creating distressing ideas that carry a very high level of stress that is very counterproductive to health. For the peace of mind of all, we have decided to present some of the reasons why you may feel pain or some discomfort in the breasts.

The most common causes of sore breasts

1. Hormonal changes

It’s common for young women to feel pain during PMS days. Some women, by knowing their body well, can detect their fertile period. During these periods the breasts may hurt. This discomfort occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which coincides with ovulation, and the days before the period.

The two aforementioned phases of the cycle coincide with the most abrupt changes in the levels of female hormones. In addition to this, the use of contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy, among others, can influence the appearance of these discomforts.

Why do breasts usually hurt?

2. Pregnancy

For many women, one of the first symptoms to appear after being on tape is breast pain. This is because they tend to have more sensitivity when they get pregnant at an early age or in their first pregnancy. However, it is considered normal for pain to occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. The breasts increase in size and blue veins appear indicating increased blood flow.

3. Lactation

Regularly, when a woman has just given birth, she usually has pain in the breasts, whether or not she practices breastfeeding. This is due to what they call “rising milk.” Now, you have to pay close attention if the pain becomes frequent, intense and does not improve, since it could be a possible mastitis.

4. Mastitis

This problem that appears as an inflammation in the breasts, caused by the obstruction of the milk ducts. This occurs because there may be an infection in the breast, caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. The symptoms that you should take into account before this possibility are: redness of the breasts, pain and fever.

5. Wrong bra size

Proper use of a bra is essential for good breast health. Since it is too small it can compress the chest excessively, causing pain and hindering blood flow, which generates constant discomfort in the breasts.

Also, if the bra has underwires, there is a risk of them getting stuck, which can damage the mammary ligaments. On the contrary, if the size is very large, it will not provide the support they need. One of the consequences of the lack of a good support is the acceleration of the flaccidity and the affection of the tendons of the shoulders.

Why do breasts usually hurt?

6. Excess physical exercise

The breasts are glands composed of soft tissues located before the muscle, for this reason it would not be unusual for a woman to feel discomfort in this area after a long day of exercise. If the pain in the breasts is very bad, and persists over the days, it is best to make sure that it is not a tear.

It is necessary to remember that when exercising it is vital to give proper support to the breasts with a good bra designed for this purpose. The woman must make sure that it is the correct size, and that the impact of the movements that are carried out lessens. With these provisions you can prevent the breasts from becoming sore.

7. Breast cancer

Given the confirmation of this disease , pain in the breasts is one of the symptoms that takes the longest to appear when it is suffered. If the patients are under continuous medical control and perform the treatments on time, the probability of not feeling major discomfort due to the pathology is higher.

It is advisable to perform a breast self-exam once a month as a precaution. If no abnormalities are found in said test and you continue to present pain, it is possible that other benign pathologies are influencing.

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