“Your Mom Lies”, A Short That Moves

"Your mom lies", a short that thrills

“Your mom lies” , the actor Diego Luna affirms with some insistence in a Mexican commercial for Mother’s Day that moved everyone who saw it, getting an outbreak of tears in the eyes of each child who loves and values ​​their mother. 

This video has already been seen by more than five and a half million people who succumbed to the ‘cheap blows’ of this short that lasts two minutes and has a huge emotional charge, added value of this piece directed by the filmmaker Luis Mandoki and made by Terán TBWA.

Your mom lies, an exciting and inclusive piece

This short that seeks to honor all mothers in Mexico has the ability to be inclusive, since it targets and effectively reaches all mothers in that country. It even crossed barriers. “Your mom lies” is a simple phrase that shows what mothers are capable of doing for their children.


“But he not only lies to you, he also lies to his needs. He is lying by saying that he doesn’t mind getting up earlier. That’s how it has always been, from day one, ”he says in a voice-over as a mother is shown alert and without moving so as not to wake her baby sleeping on her body, and another one at dawn to take the child to school.

In addition, the video shows how mothers manage to make their children happy and build their self-esteem. Although, we know, every mother sees her son as the most beautiful and capable in the world, in addition to being able to do anything to make him happy.

Like when he told you he liked adventures. Or has he not always told you that you are the best? And trust me, that dinner wasn’t special for astronauts. What’s more, he lies so well that he even does it with his face. Surely you grew up thinking that you were the most handsome in the room ”, he details.


The images shown here are important: a mother suffering on a roller coaster, a boy arriving late for a soccer game with mothers in the background, the mother suffering and -still- pretending happiness at the arrival of her son’s first love , an ungraceful young man being praised by his mother.

This emotional tribute narrates all the white lies that moms outline to their little ones – and not so little ones – in order to protect them, fill their world with fantasies and avoid all kinds of suffering  that life will necessarily face them on a daily basis without further warning.

The strength of a mother

The idea was to show the daily effort of who is behind each human being: mothers. The ultimate goal, to thank each of them for everything they do for life and humanity. Clearly, a goal achieved with this original and moving campaign that touched the hearts of millions of children.

This tribute not only shows those creative lies to raise the self-esteem of his ‘handsome’, ‘intelligent’ and ‘capable’ son. For in recognition, the strength of these ‘supernatural’ beings also comes to light. Mothers are strong in the face of any adversity, loving in any situation.

“His lies go beyond everything. He is capable of deceiving while he does not stop talking, and illnesses because, even so, he never gives up: he is always on his feet, always fighting. He lies because he does not have it easy and so that the problems of the world do not cross the door of his house, “says the voice-over of the short.

This thanks to all the women who struggle to raise their children will be able to leave you with a lump in your throat for their enormous sensitivity. These ingredients made the spot go viral on social media in a matter of hours.

“He lies when he tells you that everything will be fine, he lies when he tells you that he will be with you for life. For this reason, today we celebrate mother because there is no more noble lie than hers ”, ends the short in which an inscription finally appears that reads “ Thank you, bosses ” .

Have you not seen this beautiful tribute in video form yet or do you want to see it again? We share it again so you can tell us what you think, although we suspect that you are going to love it.

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